What it does
Mithilfe des Scripts kann ein DNS A Record gesetzt werden. Im Script können weitere Namen ausgeschlossen werden, damit nicht ein wichtiger bestehender Eintrag ein DNS-Round-Robin wird. Das Script benötigt das DNS Module. Wie es installiert wird, steht ebenfalls im Script.
Set a DNS A Record. Some names are denied (e.g. "localhost" or the domain controller itself).
Creation Details
Input Parameters
Name: DNSname
Description: Type in your DNS name for the A record. Do not type a full qualified domain name in.
Name: IPaddress
Description: Type in your IPv4 address.
Resource Parameters
Name: ZoneName
Description: Define your ZoneName from your DNS Server
Name: DCcomputername
Description: Name of your Domain Controller or DNS Server (the powershell command need a DNS computername)
The author does not want to make his script publicly available.
You need to log in to get these resource.
login and obtain the library resource to set a rating.